What are the reading room policies?


Our staff is charged with providing access and preserving the holdings of the Davidson College Archives and Special Collections. To help us in this endeavor, we ask that visitors observe the following reading room policies:  

  1. All researchers must register and complete a sign-in sheet upon arrival.
  2. Only research materials and note-taking items are permitted in the reading room.  Lockers are provided for the storage of researchers’ coats, bags, books, food, and drinks.
  3. All materials must be kept in the order and condition in which they are received. Please use only one folder at a time and ensure that sheets are kept in their original arrangement. Do not mark, clip, or fold pages.
  4. Pencils and/or electronic devices must be used when working with original materials. The use of ink for taking notes is prohibited. Pencils will be provided upon request.
  5. Researchers may photograph materials with their own equipment pending permission from a member of the Archives & Special Collections staff. Some materials may not be photographed because of their physical condition, copyright law, and/or donor restrictions. In all cases, flash equipment is prohibited.
  6. Photocopies and scans of materials will be done by Archives & Special Collections staff as time permits. Some materials may not be photocopied or scanned because of their physical condition, copyright law, and/or donor restrictions. Researchers who are not current Davidson faculty, students, or staff will be charged for photocopies and scans.
  7. It is the researcher’s sole responsibility to secure the necessary copyright permissions to publish, exhibit, or broadcast materials from the Davidson College Archives & Special Collections. Staff will provide information about the copyright status of items when possible and can grant permission only for those items that are owned by Davidson College.  

If you have questions about any of these policies, please email archives@davidson.edu.

  • Last Updated May 04, 2022
  • Views 14
  • Answered By Emily Privott

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