I want to add video clips to my class Website or blog. What do I need to do?


Follow these steps:

  1. If your Website or blog is password-protected, visible only to students enrolled in the class, and complies with the other TEACH Act provisions, you may digitize and upload reasonable video clips to your Website or blog.
  2. If your Website does not meet these conditions, you will need to do a fair use analysis for each video clip you want to digitze, upload, and stream. 
  3. Remember that your analysis will be impacted by the nature of the video, the length of the video, and whether or not the Website is visible only to your class.
  4. You can also provide links to videos in library databases.  For more information, see the Videos guide.

Copyright Guide

  • Last Updated Jan 04, 2018
  • Views 43
  • Answered By Jayme Sponsel

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