How do I find a journal article if I have the citation?


You can see if the library has access to a journal article or journal by using the Journal Finder

If the journal finder does not show that we have access, then you can submit an Interlibrary Loan Request

To locate the article with the journal finder, determine the Journal Title, Year, Volume, and Issue Number In this citation:

Bazerman, C. (1981). What Written Knowledge Does: Three Examples of Academic Discourse. Philosophy of the Social Sciences,11(3). 

  • The Journal Title is Philosophy of the Social Sciences
  • The Year is 1981
  • The Volume is 11
  • The Issue Number is 3

Search for the journal title on the Journal Finder:

An illustration demonstrating the Journal Finder in action

In this case, we have the journal Philosophy of the Social Sciences for the year 1986 in the databases Proquest Periodicals Archive and Sage Deep Backfile. You can browse the journal in these databases to find the relevant volume and issue number.

  • Last Updated Jan 04, 2018
  • Views 437
  • Answered By Jayme Sponsel

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