How do I find where a book is located in the library?

Most books in the library are organized by two classification systems:  Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress.  The Dewey Decimal books have a call number that starts with a number (ex. 142.780973 C826e) and are located on the second floor of the library; the Library of Congress books have a call number that starts with a letter (ex. PS3608.O832 K58 2003) and are located in the basement. 

You can find a book's call number and information about whether or not it is at Davidson and available by searching for it in Davidson Library WorldCat:

A screenshot of search results in WorldCat indicating whether the item is located at Davidson

For a map of the library and more information on call numbers, visit the Book Guide


  • Last Updated Sep 08, 2022
  • Views 32
  • Answered By Jayme Sponsel

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